Post Show Tips : Follow up and Engage

Post Show Tips

Written by Anusha Suvarna, Skyline Displays Australia

We all know the importance of networking at a trade show event. The process of creating some quality relationships at on the expo floor may seem like a tedious task. But isn’t that one of the top reasons for attending a trade show? Attending cocktail parties, receptions, after-parties and other special events plays an important role in building a relatable persona for your company. These events are the perfect environment to create a special connection with your prospects based on trust. That’s why trade shows are one of the strongest forms of marketing.

Here are some of the post show tips that will help you become a winner at your next face-to-face event.

Schedule a call, meeting, or email

For years, industry speakers have emphasised the fact that hot leads should be targeted promptly. Statistics shows 80 percent of leads generated at trade shows and exhibitions never receive a follow-up. It is important to keep the momentum flowing after the show by staying active with the prospects you have worked hard to connect with. This means sending an email after the trade show as soon as possible, while the event is still fresh in their minds. By doing this you will be able to remind them of who you are, your company, and the conversations you had. The reminder email helps you to maintain their interest in your business or product.

Now, the most important aspect of this process is to send a personalised short message or a phone call that creates a spark and reminds them of the quality conversation you both had. This will show that you were truly engaged and interested in what they had a say in it and it will create a lasting impression of you.

Additionally, sending an automated email to the whole list of people you met during the event is useful by helping you to target a larger chunk of the audience as a reminder of your existence.

Keep in touch with your prospects

Stay in touch with the people you have met at the trade show on a regular basis. Whether it’s through email, phone calls, or social media platforms. Consistency plays a huge part in building long-term relationships with your prospects and staying front-of-mind. By connecting with prospects through media platforms, you’ll be able to see what they are working on, thus helping you identify opportunities for future collaboration.

Also, make sure you are active on social media by posting updates and interesting content that your contacts will find valuable making them more likely to reach out to you in the future.
Additionally, make sure you attend the next trade show or event so you can reconnect with prospects you have met to strengthen your relationship and chances for future collaboration.

Use of CRM

Customer relationship management tools helps to track your interactions with your prospects and reminds you to follow them at regular intervals. This software allows you to store and manage information making your follow-up more effective and your sales team more successful. CRM establishes a smooth marketing-to-sales handoff.

Furthermore, most CRM systems allow you to send mass automated, personalised emails which is a great way to keep your contacts in the loop regarding your products and services.

If you need more information on graphics or would like to work with a Skyline consultant, feel free to contact us.

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